As the day grows dim, I hear you sing a golden hymn

You change all the lead, sleeping in my head to gold
As the day grows dim, I hear you sing a golden hymn
It's the song I've been trying to sing

I've always loved this Arcade Fire song. My own personal translation of it is the dream, however adolescent seeming, of surpassing the sufferings of previous generations, of living in a less chaotic state of being (purify my mind).  I've read at this point countless research papers and I will tell you the conclusion is quite simple: we have been poisoned by diets intensely laden with addicting processed sugar for a very long time. It creates a chaotic state inside the human system, both mental and physical. For fifty-plus years parents have been feeding their children pancakes or waffles with maple syrup, 60+ grams of sugar in two cups of breakfast cereal, juice, ice cream, pizza, soda, fast food, yogurts that are essentially candy, etc., etc. Sadly, there’s frequently subsequent disappointment and frustration when their kids' brain chemistry is eventually in complete turmoil and they’re anxious, depressed, impulsive, aggressive, having difficulty concentrating, or worse (see 1994’s Schizophrenia is a Diabetic Brain State: An Elucidation of Impaired Neurometabolism). 

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says 116,500 Americans will be diagnosed with diabetes this month. Full blown diabetes. Why is this not a massive banner in Times Square? Remember, pre-diabetics can have a fasting blood sugar of 126 and an A1C of 6.4% and not be considered diabetic. Nearly 1 in 2 Americans has diabetes or prediabetes says the ADA, and diabetes costs Americans $327 billion per year.
