That's what you think

Success is persistence.
I will persist until I succeed.
I will never consider defeat.
I will remove from my vocabulary such words as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, hopeless and retreat. 
-David Wolfe

Anytime I hear a negative assumption, a limiting belief about my ability to overcome this illness, I think of Lester Burnham in American Beauty - that one scene where he's doing his reps on his bench-press with Bob Dylan on the radio in the background after being reprimanded by his controlling wife. "That's what you think."

I bought a book recently called "There is a Cure for Diabetes." When I got it, I went to read it in bed and found I just wanted to hold it in my hands for a while and meditate on the title. In the introduction to the book, it says “Healing Diabetes is a Shift in Consciousness.” It most certainly is. I've been buying a lot of health books off of eBay lately. I plan on giving overviews of them on here as many of them are quite old but filled with a great deal of wisdom.

I've been very busy lately, but researching non-stop in free moments. I have 104 tabs open on my phone currently with just research on thiamine/acetylcholine. Did I mention I'm obsessed with all this? This is my next post, and it's going to be a heavy lift. There's a great deal behind it, but I'll try to commit to writing for at least a half hour every evening and I'll deem it complete eventually. In brief, I'll say to you: if you drink coffee, tannin-rich tea, alcohol and/or eat any kind of sugary food or processed carbohydrate (obviously no one anywhere, you're completely fine), you very much so need thiamine. Very much so. It’s deeper than just supplementation, however, because it’s just not in alignment with nature, or allowing of complete healing at all in any way, to consume white powder capsules of extremely high doses of vitamins and then keep eating a typical American diet. The whole point of this “shift in consciousness” as I mentioned earlier is to return to nature. 

The full Flower Moon is in Scorpio tonight. Allow the malicious energy lurking in the shadows to be illuminated and peacefully released from your body, your soul, your space. Scorpio can be signified as the phoenix rising from the ashes, the harrowing, but incredibly transformative emergence from the underworld to the light.

The impossible is possible tonight
Believe in me as I believe in you
