We Have an Amputation Epidemic

I subscribe to the Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology newsletter and the headline "We Have an Amputation Epidemic" recently popped up in my inbox.

"Every three minutes in America, a person loses all or part of a limb due to their diabetes," the article states. Every three minutes, just in America. Diabetes is also rampant in India, China, England, and other nations. I shudder to think what the statistic would be globally.

"Five year mortality numbers for individuals undergoing a diabetes-related amputation rival those of many forms of cancer."

"The fact is that, for many, an amputation is a death sentence." The article also states that diabetes-related amputations have increased 75% in the last 10 years.

I just finished reading Stephen King's new book Fairy Tale. This Medscape article reminded me of the parallel worlds told of in Fairy Tale, and how a land of butterflies and kindness can be so close to one run by evil. And how quickly that evil can invade and cloud a vulnerable population. I contemplate children and adults encouraged to celebrate every joyous occasion with ice cream, pie, cake, cookies, candy, pizza and soda. I contemplate the lines and lines of cars going through the Starbucks drive-thru every day in this country, and surely more than one person is ordering the Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Frappucino with 74 grams of sugar in a Venti size plastic cup. There are 33 different Frappucino options that I counted on Starbucks.com. And I have nothing against Starbucks in that it's not any worse than Dunkin' Donuts (their 2022 Holiday Peppermint Mocha Swirl Frozen Coffee with Cream in a large has....wait for it...an astronomical 182 grams of sugar) or a plethora of other chains. I actually very much enjoy a Starbucks plain iced almond milk latte on occasion. I just find it odd that they have so much sugar on their menu and that their logo is a siren, a mythological mermaid-like creature known to lure sailors to their deaths.

Both sugar and caffeine exterminate virus/bacteria/parasite-zapping chloride from the body.

We are fully capable, in these very interesting times, in the face of immense, dark temptation, of making the best decisions for our mental and physical health. We are capable of existing in our highest harmonious state with our planet. To forgo suffering and submission. Sugar and a poor diet have very serious consequences to mental and physical health that can't be burned off on a treadmill or a soccer field. 

"Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
