Deep transformation unlocks the cage - We Fly Free

Once I found out I was diabetic, I diligently began researching immediately, and I became convinced that all I needed was to get my blood sugar under very tight control and I would finally be through it, belatedly but assuredly embracing my youth, basking in the sun and completely alive again. I would warn everyone else never to get diabetic, I know I certainly didn't have fun in the process, and I would sail along with my life from there. In actuality, there's considerably more healing to be done. At times, I feel the damage of many years of unknown blood sugar irregularity to be irreversible, inevitable blindness a portentous shadow slowly engulfing me.

Like Gandalf fighting the Balrog alone to protect the others, the first battle was just the beginning. Thinking he was victorious, only to be dragged into the real depths, the hopeless icy abyss where there's seemingly nothing to do but surrender.

Thomas Cole's The Voyage of Life, spanning from Childhood to Youth to Manhood to Old Age, comes to mind. How many of us come to find ourselves at rock bottom, tears rolling down our face in frustration, daring the universe go on, take everything, I want you to. I know I have. Sometimes I put on my grandmother Florence’s necklace and think, I need all the help I can get from heaven today. 

Diabetes is a global epidemic rippling into the eleventh hour. In my personal experience, I have found in all absolution that the true systemic grip of impaired blood sugar regulation is largely unseen, it's malignity mightily cloaked and oftentimes ignored. Oscar Wilde said: "A dreamer is one who can only find his way through moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

I never forget that what I seek from the core of my heart is also seeking me, even on days where I feel wholly lost. When Gandalf re-emerges from the darkness as Gandalf the White, he tells Aragorn that he must stay until the task is done. Are we ready to restore our minds, our bodies, our lives and our planet?  And now you are and I am now and we're a mystery which will never happen again, a miracle which has never happened before.

This is a call to arms, to live and love and heal together. 

