State of Emergency

This state of emergency/How beautiful to be

State of emergency/Is where I want to be

I wanted to do a quick post on here tonight because I've had an article in my favorites for a while that I've wanted to briefly mention.

In 2020, the World Economic Forum posted an article on diabetes titled The Silent Epidemic That is Three Times as Deadly as COVID. (Correspondingly, a great deal of COVID infections have been due to immune suppression caused by poor glycemic control.) The article stated what I've already posted on here, that according to the International Diabetes Federation, we are fast moving toward the catastrophic train wreck of over 700 million people living with diabetes by 2045. 

The end-stage condition called diabetes is a death sentence without drug intervention. Quickly it would lead to vision loss, kidney failure and serious infection. For 95% of diabetics, the body has battled decades of metabolic dysfunction before finally surrendering into the diabetic end state. 

I have already discussed what an incredible gold mine everyone becoming diabetic could be for some. Speaking from rather dreadful personal experience, you don't want what they want for you. You're worth more alive than dead to them, but just on the brink of death, and dependent on what only they can provide to you at whatever price they find suitable. 

I read a novel again recently that weaves through several different story lines, but one is focused on a young woman named Sasha that has kleptomania. She's in therapy, but hasn't penetrated her deep emotions enough to stop stealing. As she's going through a boyfriend's wallet while he's in the bathroom, she finds a scrap piece of paper where someone had written "I believe in you" that he must have kept in there for sentimental value. In that moment, a pretty intense message for Sasha, though. 

I believe in us. We are so exceptionally strong, so capable of not succumbing to the cataclysmic health crisis projected in our near future. We are profoundly qualified to make the right choices for our survival and our freedom. They don't/They don't speak for us.
