The Magic of Miso Soup

I've been drinking miso soup almost every day lately. For the past year or so, I've been reading a lot about a component in miso, natto and soy milk called "genistein" that has been shown to improve glucose and insulin levels. Some studies I've come across even suggest that genistein has the ability to regenerate pancreatic beta cells. The fermented soy in miso and natto has more genistein than soy milk and tofu, but all of these foods have decent amounts. Sometimes to boost my genistein intake, I'll make myself chai tea lattes with Eden's Organic Unsweetened Soy Milk, which I typically can find at Whole Foods. I love these lattes at work -- they get me through any stressful morning. It's easy to just buy a genistein supplement, but there's data showing that isolated genistein is not effective at improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Never discount the healing power of real food from nature and the balance that exists in it.


  1. So it seems that fermentation is the key here then? I love Natto but it’s not for everyone I bet. Having it with rice, daikon & soy’s great!


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