I do believe it's true, that there are roads left in both of our shoes.

There's so much to say about the relationship between the calming inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (GammaAminoButyricAcid) and the epidemic of insulin resistance and diabetes. I'll start with saying that it's a great idea to increase your intake of Vitamin B6, as B6 plays a major role in the regulation of GABA. Please do not buy a B6 supplement. High doses of isolated B6 in a bottle can over time become toxic to the body and produce peripheral neuropathy and other unwanted conditions. We already have to worry about peripheral neuropathy by being diabetic! Intake of food-based sources of B6 will not cause toxicity. The B6 food sources I am currently consuming include Nutritional Yeast and Wheat Germ (Non-Fortified only) sprinkled on salad, Brewer's Yeast Tablets and Blackstrap Molasses. The blackstrap molasses can be used when making low-carb, keto molasses cookies or lightly mixed into a low-carb, keto cereal.
