Some studies I've been reading lately. Interferon has been and is currently being both praised and vilified in regards to the genesis of various autoimmune disease. One such article is from July 2024, published with NBC News titled Scientists say they have identified a root cause of lupus- one that could pave the way for new treatments . It's essentially interferon imbalance. What could be causing imbalance/excess/deficiency in interferons leading to wayward immune response? A 2018 paper called Type 1 and 2 interferon receptors differentially regulate type 1 diabetes susceptibility in male versus female non-obese diabetic mice explained attempting to decipher these puzzling, conflicting interferon papers well: "The role of interferons, either pathogenic or protective, during autoimmune diabetes remains controversial...The role of interferon-gamma in type 1 diabetes progression is perplexing...despite the diverse results among the published studies, two essential findings ...